Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My TI-89 didn't simplify...

When I was doing the homework for Thursday, I had trouble using the solve function on my TI-89 to solve one of the problems. For 48b in section 2.2, were were to determine how many real solutions the equation .2x^5-2x^3+1.8x+k=0 has when k=1. I entered solve(.2x^5-2x^3+1.8x+1=0,x) and the calculator gave me an unsimplified answer: x(x^4-10x^2+9)=-5. I ended up having to graph the equation to determine that there were 3 solutions. Did this happen to anyone else when solving this problem? Perhaps I am still just having trouble getting used to my TI-89, and I can't remember if at any point in class we went over dealing with calculators that give unsimplified solutions.

Also, in response to Carrie's blog, if part of what you are asking is whether you can program your TI-89 to always give an exact answer, I think you can do this by going to the MATH menu, scrolling down to the exact/approximate row, and choosing "exact". However, you might be referring to a way to get exact answers by typing in approximations, in which case I can't be of much help.


Blogger Farooq said...

Only thing i could suggest for you to do is hit 2nd, f1, then go to new problem. Either that or go to MODE and check for anything that looks fishy.

Also, in response to your response to Carrie's blog, I think you meant go to the MODE menu, not the MATH menu.

11:34 PM  
Blogger Farooq said...

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11:44 PM  
Blogger Farooq said...

Oh I figured it out, your calculator is in exact mode so it is giving you the exact answer. Go to MODE, scroll down to "Exact/Approx" and turn it to Auto. This should fix it :-)

For future refernce, if you want your calculator to simplify, just hit the diamond then the enter key after you type in the equation or problem.

11:52 PM  

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