Sunday, October 01, 2006

(Possibly Useless) Calculator Tips

Sometimes you hit graph and you realize you've made a mistake and need to fix the equation, but oh no, the calculator won't let you go back and fix it until its finished with the graph its working on. But that could take another second! Time is precious when you're taking a test. You need to tell that calculator to STOP! And to to that, hit the "ON" key while its making a graph. It will stop making the graph and now you can go back and fix the equation and try graphing again.

Q: Why can't I enter numbers in my favorite form: binary and/or hexadecimal? may ask. A: Well, you can! To enter a binary number, it must be prefixed with 0b (that is, zero b). For example, if you type in 0b10 and hit enter, it will tell you its 2, which is the decimal equivalent. Now hold on, you can do hexadecimal too! You just need to type in 0h (zero h) before the hex number. For example, 0hFF will give you 255.

Q: Oh I miss the entry style of the TI-83 so much, where you can overwrite a character when you have the flashing box over it, what can I do?
A: Well, to go back to the input style of the TI-83, hit 2nd and then backspace. This will toggle between overwriting, and inserting in between, for when you type stuff in.



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