Friday, December 08, 2006

Calculating Limits on TI89 and Finding "e"

There's a function for calculating limits in the catalog in your calculator if you didn't already know. The syntax is of the form "limit(equation, variable, number)," where "equation" is an equation in a variable, variable is the variable you're limiting, and number is the number to which you want the variable to go up to. So if you typed in "limit(x/(x+1),x,1)," the calulator would give you back the answer "1/2," as it should. You can also use infinity as a number, which is found above the catalog key and selected using the diamond key.
I've heard a few people so far this year wondering exactly what the magic variable "e" represented, and it actually has to do with limits. To calculate "e," type in "limit((1+1/x)^x,x,infinity)." The calculator will simply return "e" to you.


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