Friday, January 05, 2007

#26 + 27

#26. Solve for x: log(2x)+log(x+5)=2
log(2x*(x+5))=2 -----------------------using formula: loga+logb=log(a*b).
2x^2+10x=100-------------------------using theory: loga=b, 10^b=a.
x=-10 and 5.
check: x cannot be -10, so x=5.-----------------using theory: loga=b only if a > 0 .
#27. ab^t=ae^rt
b^t=e^rt-----------------------divide a on both sides.
ln(b^t)=ln(e^rt)----------------take ln on both sides.
ln(b^t)=rt----------------------using theory: ln(e^a)=a.
t ln b=rt------------------------ln (a^b)=b ln a.
lnb=r---------------------------divide t on both sides.


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