Thursday, March 22, 2007

10 on pretest

does anyone have a suggestion as to how to find the angle of the arc, or a better idea? thanks


Blogger Will Z said...

One way of finding the angle is to take the measure of the arc and divide it by the circumference of the circle. Take that ratio and multiply by 360 to get the angle of the arc.
Then use law of cosine to figure out the length x.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Will Z said...

One way of finding the angle is to take the measure of the arc and divide it by the circumference of the circle. Take that ratio and multiply by 360 to get the angle of the arc.
Then use law of cosine to figure out the length x.

8:25 PM  
Blogger moperson said...

and what is the best way to find the measure of the arc?

7:14 AM  

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