Friday, September 15, 2006

Problems of the Week & Scavenger Hunts

This is your first opportunity for Extra Credit. Rules:
  1. No collaboration.
  2. Research is okay, but must be correctly documented.
  3. Each correct answer is worth +2 points on a test.
  4. Answers to be handed in, on paper, by Friday, September 22


  1. How is “modal logic” different from ordinary logic?
  2. Four positive integers are given. Take the mean of three of the integers and add it to the fourth. The four possible results are 29, 23, 21, 17. What are the original integers?
  3. What is the Cantor Set?
  4. Increasing the radius of a cylinder 6 units increases its volume by y cubic units. Increasing its height by 6 units would also increase its volume by y cubic units. If the original height is 2 units, what is the original radius?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to Mr. Karafiol's post, "Research is okay, but must be correctly documented." Therefore I assume anything you find is okay, as long as you cite your source. Just remember that as Wikipedia is editable by anybody on the web, you may want to check with another source to be sure that the information is correct.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Monica Moore said...

how are we supposed to document our sources?

11:08 PM  

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