Saturday, October 07, 2006

3.3 # 85+87

I thought that you were supposed to switch the mode from function to parametric and then graph the equations that way for numbers 85 and 87 in section 3.3. I tried this but then i couldn't find the graphs. Any ideas?


Blogger Yuchen Z. said...

First is to switch the mode from function to parametric, then you change all the ys into ts, for example,in #85, you should type in x1t=t^3+5t^2-4t-5, instead of x1t=y^3+5y^2-4y-5, and type y1t=t under x1t. Finally you could change your window to find the graph. In addition, Example 13 on page 144 might be help with these problems.

8:13 PM  

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