Sunday, October 15, 2006

an easy time saver on the 89

If you press [2nd>Home] in any application on the calculator, the menus at the top will be replaced with a set of handy menus with nice shortcuts for various things. Some example options on this special menu configuration:
  • In the second menu, there's an option to insert "Define f(x) = " and then you can put in your funtion.
  • In the third menu, there's an option to insert "solve( and , {x,y})" and you can just insert your two equations before and after the " and ".
  • In the fourth menu, there are various common units which can be inserted to use with unit conversion (which I explained last time.)
Laziness prevails!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another amazing time saver is the copy and paste functions. Both can be accessed from both the F1 menu and by pressing diamond+shift for copy, or diamond+esc for paste. All you have to do is highlight something which can be accomplished by holding shift (located between the 2nd and esc keys) and using the arrow keys, hit copy, and you can paste it anywhere you want. An additional note about shift - it allows you to type in capital if we really needed that...

1:51 AM  

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