Sunday, November 12, 2006

4.4 # 58

For this one I tried using (22+x)500-15x but this number never gave me a max to use as the number of apple trees. Could someone tell me what they did? THanks



Blogger Will Z said...

i used the same equation and after graphing and finding the maximum i got 5.67 apple trees. To answer the initial questions you would add that value to the original value of 22. So the number of apple trees that would maximize the number apples is 22+5.67=27.67.

11:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That is the correct equation when you maximize the graph the x value is how many more or less trees you should plant on the acre to insure maximum yield. The x coordinate of the maximum was 5.66 and since you cant plant two thirds of a tree 26 trees per acre would maximize yield becuase 6 is closer to 5.66 than 5 is.

9:26 AM  

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