Monday, February 05, 2007


OK, so does anybody have a clever way to remember the radians at each angle around a circle as posted in our book, or do i basically just have to memorize them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you remember that pi is equal to 180 degrees, you can just compute the fractions in your head relatively easily. Here are some common angles however, and perhaps you can find a pattern.
Degrees Radians
0 0
30 pi/6
45 pi/4
60 pi/3
90 pi/2
120 2pi/3
135 3pi/4
150 5pi/6
180 pi
210 7pi/6
225 5pi/4
240 4pi/3
270 3pi/2
300 5pi/3
315 7pi/4
330 11pi/6
360 2pi

5:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i use the pattern to remeber them...and don't forget Mr. Karafiol said we'd be having pop quizes on the trig functions starting this week.

5:55 AM  
Blogger moperson said...

What are your patterns? And isn't there a pneumonic device for remembering which trig function is positive or negative in each quadrant on the unit circle? I know its easy to remember but I was just thinking....

11:16 AM  
Blogger Monica Moore said...

i think of the unit circle as divided into 6th so
30 = 1pi/6, 60 = 2pi/6 or pi/3, 90 = 3pi/6 or pi/2, etc.

10:05 PM  

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