Sunday, April 15, 2007


Is there a simpler way to do problem 2c, rather than computing all 20 numbers and just adding them together?


Blogger Yuchen Z. said...

You can use the geometric series formula in 0: S=[(1-r^n)/(1-r)]*a1, that's what i did. you can find r and a1, and use that formula to find the sum of the series.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Monica Moore said...

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5:26 PM  
Blogger Monica Moore said...

how do i use the summation function on the TI-89 if i chose not to use that formula? (or if i just need it in the future)

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To calculate summations on your TI-89 you go and grab the sigma fuction from the Math>Calculus menu, with the syntax of Expression,Variable,Start,End. The expression is your formula for a-sub-m, the variable most used in this paper is m, with a start value of 1 and an end value of usually 20, 30, or N. Note that you may have to change the years you're accruing interest for from m to m-1 if you use the summation function.

5:37 PM  

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