Sunday, May 06, 2007


how do you find the equation for a parabola. is it y^2=4px? what is the p? i dont understand! also how do you find the focus and directrix?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"P" is simply the distance from the vertix of the parabola to the focus, and in the opposite direction to the directrix.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Yuchen Z. said...

In addition, the focus of a parabola with an equation of x^2=4py (0, p), and its directrix is y=-p; the focus of a parabola with an equation of y^2=4px is (p,0), and the directrix is x=-p.
Page 632 on the text book can give you more information about parabolas.

4:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

also, parabolas with the equation y^2=4px open up horizontally either left or right depending on the sign of y and parabolas with the equation x^2=4py open vertically

7:18 PM  

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