Tuesday, November 14, 2006

4.8# 31, 41

I'm having trouble getting rid of the complex part of the polynomial when i expand an expression based on the roots. Any suggestions on where to go after writing an expression for the polynimial based on the given roots?


Blogger Casey Blue said...

If the factors of a quadratic are (x-r) and (x-s), the polynomial can be written: f(x)=x^2-(r+s)x+r*s. If you have a complex number as a root of a quadratic, you know that its conjugate will also be a root, so you can call these complex numbers r and s. So if r was 1-i, s could be 1+i. The polynomial would then be x^2-(1-i+1+i)x+(1+i)(1-i)=x^2-2x+(1-i^2)=x^2-2x+2.

4:41 PM  

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