Monday, September 18, 2006

assignment 6

I had a lot of trouble with the problems, in assignment 6. since they are all similar how would you go about setting the problem up and actually solving it.
-sarah iqbal


Blogger Casey Blue said...

Here's how you set-up the scatter plot/linear regression problems found in assignment 6 (I will use problem 15 from page 106 as an example):
1. Press the "APPS" key
2. Choose the "Data/Matrix Editor"
3. Use the right arrow so you can select "new"
4. A box will now pop up that allows you to choose a type, a folder, and a variable. Next to "variable" give your scatter plot a name so that if you want to return to the plot later you will easily be able to recognize it. The "type" should be set to Data and the "folder" should be set to Main. Hit enter.
5. You will now see 3 columns labeled c1, c2, and c3. For problem 15, you should enter the years in the c1 column, the annual consumption of beef in the c2 column and the annual consumption of poultry in the c3 column (for this problem it is fine to enter the actual years in the c1 column, but if a problem specifies that a given year should be at x=0, you will have to change the other years to fit this scale).
6. Once you have entered all your data, hit the F5 button so you can find the equation given by your data. In this case, you need to find the equations for both beef and poultry. Let's do beef here. For "calculation type" you should choose the "LinReg" option. Then type c1 in the x row and c2 in the y row. In the "Store RegEQ to" row, select "y1(x)." Hit enter.
7. The calculator will now give you data that you can substitute into the equation y=ax+b (it will give you a value for a and one for b, and for this problem you can disregard the data it gives next to "corr" and "R2"). Now you have your equation.
8. To graph the scatter plot, here is what you do: hit F2 (Plot Setup). Make sure Plot 1 is highlighted and then hit "F1". Enter c1 as x and c2 as y. "Plot type" should be scatter and "Mark" is fine when set at "box". Hit enter. You will now see a graph description next to the "plot 1" row. Hit "graph" (press the yellow-green diamond key and then F3). Then use F2 and select "ZoomData". There is your scatter plot!

5:55 PM  

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