Sunday, September 17, 2006

#11 of 2.4

How do we do this blog thing?? I am so confused... anyway I don't know how to do number 11. I am Melissa. Thanks for helping.


Blogger Monica Moore said...

to do this one, it really helps to use the picture on pg. 92. For each corner that you cut off, label the sides x. If you draw the square that would be the base, each of those sides would be 20-2x. Therefore, l=20-2x, w=20-2x, and h=x. volume=wlh. from there you can plug in what you have and solve on the calculator: solve(550=x(20-2x)^2,x). that should give you the answer.

however, i did have a question. i got 2 answers that would work but the book only gave one. how do you know which one to use?

10:47 PM  
Blogger Dylan Gschwind said...

Well It says that the height length and width oof the box should all be less than 12, so when you plug the first number in, the length or the width will be greater than 12, thus you must use the other number.

6:37 AM  

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