Sunday, October 29, 2006


just out of curiousity, when do we use logarithms in real life?


Blogger Will Z said...

There are actually many uses for logartithms. If you're thinking about entering the engineering fields or the computer fields, logs are quite important. For example if a chemical engineer wants to find the the relationship between the change in tmeperatures of two chemical reactions logs are used. If the temperature was decresing, then that might be a log function.

Remember that candle lab we did last year in trig class, thats when logs come into play.

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i didnt do that trig

6:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Logs used to be used to do all kinds of computations that your calculator now does. Logs are also used for modeling phenomena whose rate of growth is not constant (I'll be more specific about this when we get there). Finally, it turns out that perceptual processes are essentially logarithmic: for your eyes, or ears, or nose to perceive a signal as having increased in intensity, the actual change (power output) of the signal must increase by a constant multiple.

9:31 AM  

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