Sunday, November 19, 2006

pretest number 4 and 13

i got confused when i looked at the sign graph for number 4,
for A i thought that the degree was even because when the negative were plugged in they became positive, but i didnt understand why 04 was negative, if the degree were even wouldn't they all be even.
and for b i thought that the leading coeff was neg because if you raised a negative # by an odd degree ud get a neg. number and if you multiply a negative number by a negative number you'd get a positive number.

can someone please clarify how i should look at 4 a and b

how do you start 13?
sarah iqbal


Blogger Will Z said...

The first thing i did was to sketch a picture of the graph and to list the roots. Looking at the sign graph we see that at -3 the sign doesnt change that would indicate that the factor (x+3) was raised to an even power. The factors were (x-4)(x-1)(x)(x+3)^even power. We see that the function is of an odd degree because a odd+even=odd degree.
For part b, just plug in a value greater than than the end factors of the function. For example i chose 100 and when plugeed in, the interval [4,infinity] is positve, but the sign graph shows a negative value. So the leading coefficient would have to be negative.

10:38 PM  

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