Sunday, September 24, 2006

Absolute Max/Min vs. Relative Max/Min

I am so confused about finding absolute and relative max/min values.
For example, in practice test no calculator section, #4a find the approximate max on [-5,5]. What is the correct answer, (5,500) or (-1,130)?
Continue #4, 4b, is there a absolute max value? and the same thing on the "I didn't want to go to the talk" sheet, #4a-4d.


Blogger Carrie Desmond said...

It would be (5,500) because that is the highest point within that interval. Endpoints on the interval to count when the interval is in square brackets. This means that x can equal the given values. It says approximate because based on the scale it is hard to give an exact y value. (-1,130) is relative because it is the highest point before the curve goes downward between about [-3,1] However, the answer is still (5,500) because this is the highest value of y in the given interval.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Also if the graph goes off into iffiniti like a positively faced parabola there is no absolute maximum because the graph does not stop.

9:35 AM  

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