Sunday, September 17, 2006

Graphing Window Find Tricks

Some of you may already know about this but anyways, for problems such as 1,5, and 7 in 2.4, in which finding a small or large graph is required, using the Zoom Fit feture makes things alot easier. In number 5 for example the graph is hard to see unless you zoom in alot. If you push F2 and then scroll down to "ZoomFit" the calculator will show you the graph in vivd detail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is one caveat to using the "ZoomFit" function, and that is that yes, it will find the graph and make a window around it, but it is usually zoomed in too far to see any overall trend. So you're still going to have to use the window screen and make the values smaller/greater to make the window bigger, or use ZoomOut. But, I suppose it helps. Another way to find the graph is by pressing F3 (Trace), and at the bottom of the screen you will see an x and y value for where the graph is. Then you can plug this into the window screen and voila!

9:35 PM  

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